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Pikachu's Summer Vacation

On one summer day, Pikachu and the other Pokémon owned by
Ash and his friends comes to Pokémon Land, a park only for Pokémon to spend their
holiday. They are all joyful. However, after a while of their coming through the gate,
Togepi starts to cry. He is now a baby, and hungry. Startled, yet wanting him to stop
crying, Pikachu pulls his cheeks to make a funny face. Squirtle also tries, though in
vain. Bulbsaur finds an apple ripe on a branch of a tree, and shoots leaves to cut it off.
The fruit drops, and rolls to stop right before Psyduck. He takes it, and then, to
Pikachu's surprise, eats it. Togepi weeps, his cry keener, until he fells asleep. Pikachu
is relieved, but Raichu, Cubone, Maril, a mouse monster, and Bruno, a bulldog one, pass
near them, chatting loudly. Squirtle asks the group to be quiet, making them angry. As
Bulbasaur joins, two groups glares at each other, ready to fight. Pikachu tries hard to
soothe them.
Togepi totters to a river valley, and onto a log over it. Pikachu turns pale, and follows
onto it, crying, "Pipipi (means 'Togepi')." The log moves suddenly. Pikachu is
startled, while Togepi is pleased. It rolls down the valley in a high speed, throwing
Pikachu into the river. He looks around quickly for Togepi, finding him at a side of the
valley. He sighs, relieved.
As he is back, carrying Togepi on his back, he gives another sigh to have seen the two
groups still quarrel.
They decide to have Squirtle and Maril have a swimming match. Obstructed by some of other
Pokémon, both swim with great guts, and Maril wins. But their fight doesn't finish, for
they are not satisfied yet.
Raichu's electric sparks sparkle, hitting the ground near Togepi. Pikachu dashes near him,
shielding him.
A spark hits Pikachu. He stiffens his body, shocked. Raichu and other Pokémon of his
group laugh.
Pikachu looks back, his eyes lifted, and burning with rage. He goes close to Raichu,
glaring at him. Raichu stares back. A tense hash is between them for all of a minute...
They dash out suddenly. They run and run and run, down paths, through a river, crashing
against Pokémon on their way; Meowth, who sleep on a grassland, and Charizard. Charizard
flares up, and dashes after them, but two naughty boys don't care. Charizard fails to
capture them, as his head is pushed into a small hole.
Puzzlement are in minds of Pokémon, except for Raichu's group, including Charizard. The
hole is too small for his head, and he cannot pull it out no matter how many times he
tries to pull back. Pokémon tie his legs tight with the end of a long and thick rope,
grips it and pulls it with all their mights. They try over and over, but Charizard's head
is still in the hole. Tears fills his eyes, as he is scared.
Raichu and his group watch them, keeping a short distance. Pikachu goes near them, and
asks, "pika, pika pika chu. Pikachu. (Help us. Please)" They agree with him, and
goes to take the rope, except Cubone. They try harder, and Charizard's head is almost out,
yet still in. Tears roll down his cheeks.
Cubone's hands grip at the point an inch before Pikachu's on the rope. Pikachu is
delighted. They try once more, much harder. Finally, Charizard is pulled back, his head
out the hole.
The Two groups are now friends. They repair places which have been destroyed by their
fight, and play together the rest of the day. In the evening, Ash and his friends come to
take Pikachu. As he calls Pikachu, a big smile is on Pikachu's face. "Pikapi!
(Ash)" Pikachu runs straight into his arms.
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Releases! |
Release Dates:
[subject to change]
Episodes: 57+
Jp - Released
En - Sept 4, 99
Game: Yellow
Jp - Released
En - Oct 26, 99
Game: Gold/Silver
Jp - Sept 5, 99
En - Future
Game: Card
Jp - Released
En - Future
Game: Stadium 2
Jp - Released
En - Mar, 00
Movie: MSB + PSV
Jp - Released
En - Nov 12, 99
Movie: PRL + PTK
Jp - Released
En - Future
