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We'll try harder to improve on this.

Ok first you need to e-mail me your Pokemon ID  I sent you when you signed up at the Nursery if you didn't go there right now.

If you have one already then this is what you do

  1. E-Mail me

  2. Tell me your Pokemon ID

  3. Tell me what's your Pokemon name and type

  4. there injury

  5. and  I'll tell you if your pokemon is ok or not

  6. AshZapdos9@aol.com



Release Dates:
[subject to change]

Episodes: 57+
Jp - Released
En - Sept 4, 99

Game: Yellow
Jp - Released
En - Oct 26, 99

Game: Gold/Silver
Jp - Sept 5, 99
En - Future

Game: Card
Jp - Released
En - Future

Game: Stadium 2
Jp - Released
En - Mar, 00

Movie: MSB + PSV
Jp - Released
En - Nov 12, 99

Movie: PRL + PTK
Jp - Released
En - Future
