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Pokemon Games
Cross Word Puzzle,Pokemon
Maze(Below),Pokemon Word Search(Below)
Cross Word Puzzle
Twelve of the fourteen Pokémon listed below are caught in
this Criss Cross. Each Pokémon appears once in the puzzle. If you can figure out how the
names fit in the puzzle you can free them and figure out which two Pokémon escaped!
(Hint: They're the only pokemon listed below not trapped in the puzzle.)
Can you solve the puzzle below and find the
missing Pokemon?
9 Letters |
8 Letters |
7 Letters |
4 Letters |
Blastoise |
Nidorino |
Dewgong |
Onix |
Bulbasaur |
Raticate |
Dratini |
Charizard |
Drowzee |
Dragonair |
Rattata |
Poliwrath |
Tangela |
Wartortle |
Pokemon Maze
Catch Pikachu at the center of
the maze? You have to find your way from the outside of the maze to the center where a
Pokémon lies trapped. Can you successfully navigate the maze and add Pikachu to your
Pokémon collection? Remember, "You gotta catch 'em all!"
(Hint: You may want to print this
page out so you can use a pencil to trace your way through the maze.)
Pokemon Word Search
Print this page out and start catching
Beedrill |
Blastoise |
Doduo |
Drowzee |
Energy |
Gastly |
Haunter |
Ivysaur |
Jynx |
Kakuna |
Magikarp |
Magmar |
Metapod |
Mewtwo |
Ninetails |
Pikachu |
Pokedex |
Raichu |
Staryu |
Weedle |
Attention all Pokemon trainers! A total of twenty Pokémon words are currently loose on
this website! The words are each hidden either diagonally, vertically, or horizontally;
and either backwards or forwards in the puzzle above. Professor Oak has already found
Kakuna. Can you find the other nineteen words and add them to your collection?
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Releases! |
Release Dates:
[subject to change]
Episodes: 57+
Jp - Released
En - Sept 4, 99
Game: Yellow
Jp - Released
En - Oct 26, 99
Game: Gold/Silver
Jp - Sept 5, 99
En - Future
Game: Card
Jp - Released
En - Future
Game: Stadium 2
Jp - Released
En - Mar, 00
Movie: MSB + PSV
Jp - Released
En - Nov 12, 99
Movie: PRL + PTK
Jp - Released
En - Future
